Posts by Claudia Walters

In preparation for their final GISST tournaments, many FIS teams will participate in various friendly events during the upcoming month. Please see below for a full list of Friendlies.


Friendlies in October

In preparation for their final GISST tournaments, many FIS teams will participate in various friendly events during the upcoming month. Please see below for a full list of Friendlies.

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G11/12 International College Day Munich

Last week, G11/12 students attended the International College Day event held in Munich. This event served as a valuable resource for them, offering an opportunity to navigate through the maze of possibilities and make informed choices.

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G6 Camp Adventure in Regen

A merry band of 61 G6 students, accompanied by four intrepid FIS staff members, set forth on a grand adventure to the charming town of Regen in the Bayerischer Wald Region. Their mission? To test their mettle, embrace the unknown, and make memories that would last a lifetime.

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Big Cat Readers

The Collins Big Cat Home Reading Program got off to a great start, with many kids exploring different books from the selection at 8:20 and making their way to their homerooms by 8:25 in the knowledge they will get to read their chosen books at home.

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DoE Silver Practice Expedition

Over 1,500km collectively walked with over 400 kg carried in backpacks. The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Adventurous Journey pushed the physical, mental, and emotional boundaries of our 25 participants.

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