Over 1,500km collectively walked with over 400 kg carried in backpacks. The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Adventurous Journey pushed the physical, mental, and emotional boundaries of our 25 participants. The reward – three days of glorious Franconian sunshine – without electronic devices – plenty of memories shared, increased personal resilience, and a huge sense of achievement for our participants. The practice expedition is arguably harder than the qualification as this is the opportunity to have significant learning moments. Navigators navigated (at times with error), route planners planned routes (at times with error), and the equipment coordinators, coordinated equipment (at times with error). Each of those errors should ensure a smooth preparation for the qualification expedition through a different route in the Fränkische Schweiz at the beginning of October. Have a look through our picture gallery below which captures our Practice Expedition on our doorstep.
Our Silver participants are only too aware that the Adventurous Journey is one part of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award. Each participant must also demonstrate commitment and growth within their own goals across physical recreation, skills, and service in the community over a minimum of 6 months. We look forward to awarding, celebrating, and recognizing the achievements of both our Bronze and Silver participants throughout the program.