Posts by Tanya Bindra


GISST Cancelations and Updates

I regret to inform you that after careful consideration, the GISST Coordinator Mr. Ian Cook has made the executive decision to cancel all remaining GISST Tournaments (Track and Field and Interschool Swim) for the 2019/2020 season.

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How to Sit Properly at a Computer

With the recent developments, online remote learning has become the inevitable tool to provide continuous and up to date education. This comes along with the need to invest a decent amount of time in a…
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We’re All in This Together

As representatives of the school, we are witness to the incredible ongoing efforts to provide students with a remote learning experience that is at the same time engaging, effective, and supportive of individual learner needs.…
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Caring for your Child’s Wellbeing

Adaptability and resilience are just two of the many strengths the FIS students have shown during this challenging time. Transitioning to remote learning may have brought some of its challenges, but through their strengths, and…
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Grade 12 EE Celebration

On March 3, 2020, Grade 12 DP students celebrated completing one of the core components of the IBDP program, the Extended Essay. The EE, as it is known, is a 4,000-word piece of independent academic…
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COVID-19: How to Stay Healthy

In the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, fear and stress are understandable. We know that this is a stressful time and we are trying everything in our capacity to stay healthy and keep from contracting…
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Thank You for a Great Festival!

From February 13 to 16, 2020, the FIS hosted our very first ISTA Middle School Theater Festival. The event was a huge success, thanks in large part to a wonderfully supportive and enthusiastic community of…
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