As representatives of the school, we are witness to the incredible ongoing efforts to provide students with a remote learning experience that is at the same time engaging, effective, and supportive of individual learner needs.
And as FIS parents, we stand in full appreciation of the sudden challenge parents now have. The team at home has to be reoriented to most effectively accommodate the rapidly evolving situation – both in regard to supporting our children with their academics, and also in managing change in other aspects of daily life.
Through all of this, we have been learning, time and again, about instances of community members reaching out to offer support, encouragement, and strategies to adapt. Now more than ever, we are noticing how truly interconnected we are, both as a FIS community, but also as common humanity – in a time where we, paradoxically, must keep physical distance in the best interest of the greater good.
The school and the PTO are currently considering ideas for how to further support the FIS community, and the PTO will be making an effort shortly to get in touch with all FIS families to check in. If you have ideas for how we can all further extend support to each other, please get in touch at . In the meantime, we encourage you to stay connected and keep in contact with each other, checking in on FIS families within your social networks.
Please do continue to use the communication channels that are open within your classrooms and grade levels. Should you find that you are in need of specific support outside of school-related matters, do not hesitate to reach out to any of us, and we do our best to help in connecting to the appropriate resources.
And as always, your classroom teachers and section Counselors are also available during school hours, should you like to chat about whatever may be on your mind as regards your children’s present needs.
Alexis Casey, Sandra Babbs and Nicole Plischke
Michelle Ang
Wellbeing Coordinator
Tom Egerton