Posts by Tanya Bindra


Breathe Better with Yoga 21

Pause, right now. Take a few deep breaths. How do you feel? The way you breathe affects your whole body. This is why activities focused on breathing such as Yoga, Pilates, TaiChi and Meditation are…
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Art Forever

What can last forever? Grade 2 students agreed that art can! Together they voted on a theme for a mural in their art room.

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Proof of Immunity Against Measles

Due to changes in the German Infection Protection Act (IfSG §20), we require proof of immunity/vaccinations against measles from every student, including signed Measles Immunity Form and proof of vaccination records or doctor’s attestation. Please provide the…
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EY5 Outdoor Learning

Every Monday we take a walk to the forest to do some learning outdoors. This week we found something quite beautiful in the forest. Some students found a piece of wood with markings on it.…
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Photographs for School Year 2020/2021

From October 5 to October 9, 2020, a photographer will be visiting the FIS to take the annual school pictures. Each student will then take home a folder with individual photos in different sizes and…
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Walking Tour Update!

The sun was shining and the mood was bright on Wednesday morning, when eight of us set off to explore the neighborhood of the FIS and Erlangen’s many shops, restaurants and sights. The annual Erlangen…
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(Virtual) Coffee With the Counselors

We would like to invite all interested parents and guardians to join an upcoming virtual “Coffee with the Counselors,” where we will take a look together at just what the difference between giving praise and giving encouragement looks like, and how both affect children’s developing sense of self.

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Let’s Get Together Again!

Now that the kids have settled into the new school routine, play their sports and enjoy their after school activities, we think it is time that parents, staff and teachers also get together again. Here are some ideas on how to stay in touch and have some fun!

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