Posts by Tanya Bindra


FIS Staff Appreciation Day is Back!

We can finally present all our staff with a wonderful international buffet again – our long-standing FIS tradition and one which all the staff really enjoy! Bring a homemade or shop-bought dish for all staff…
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Head of School

FIS Hosts AGIS Meetings

On Friday, May 13, the FIS hosted the Association of German International School (AGIS) Annual General Meeting and in the afternoon Head of School and Business Manager meetings. AGIS is an organization that represents and…
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Eco-School Committee Update

Over the last two months, we at the FIS have been taking steps towards becoming an ‘Eco-School’. The Eco-Schools Green Flag award is a recognition conferred upon schools that are making strides towards environmental sustainability. It aims…
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Global Perspectives at the FIS

To understand Global Perspectives, which is part of the Secondary School curriculum and is introduced as a stepping stone to TOK, we spoke to Carlos Rico, Global Perspectives and Theory of Knowledge Coordinator at the…
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Grade 8 Global Goals and 3D Printing

Grade 8 students have been busy printing 3D models in their Design classes. The corresponding unit, focused on the UN Global Goals, links to the following inquiry question: What inventions exist in a community which…
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Learner Profile Shoutouts – Update

Over the last weeks, we’ve been celebrating students and staff demonstrating one of the ten attributes of the IB Learner Profile. To get an overview of what the Learner Profile means, the purpose of the Learner…
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PTO Excursion to Schloss Greifenstein

Unfortunately, in December 2021 the PTO had to cancel its visit to the medieval castle Greifenstein due to the COVID restrictions. Since the situation eased off in the meantime, we decided to offer the tour…
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