

Grade 3 – Young Entrepreneurs

As we know, the ever-changing restrictions have affected many businesses in our local area, including our own Grade 3 young entrepreneurs. The students have shown great adaptability in these unpredictable times. On Wednesday, March 24,…
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A Poem on Zoom by Grade 3

Stories bind us and connect us. We continue to use storytelling to make sense of this time. Last week while with some Grade 3 students, I recalled the events of a meeting with teachers, when…
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Young Entrepreneurs

Grade 3 is currently learning about what it means to be a young entrepreneur in IPC. We are exploring how to use the design cycle to create products and how to set up a business.…
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Art Forever

What can last forever? Grade 2 students agreed that art can! Together they voted on a theme for a mural in their art room.

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EY5 Outdoor Learning

Every Monday we take a walk to the forest to do some learning outdoors. This week we found something quite beautiful in the forest. Some students found a piece of wood with markings on it.…
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You Hold Me Up…

Grades 1 and 2 have been back for a few weeks now. As much as we were all excited to be back in the class, we also started with uncertainties. What will school be like…
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