Posts by Tanya Bindra

Head of School

Happy Summer!

We have reached the end of another busy and successful year. We now all look forward to a well-deserved summer break. As ever, the school never really closes as the front office will be open…
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Update from the Eco-School Committee

Since our last update, the Eco-School Committee continued to work in sub-groups on different topics, such as: Energy saving Incentivizing transportation alternatives Reducing meat consumption Carbon footprint awareness Waste separation Reduce and Reuse For the…
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Grade 11 DP Science Internal Assessments

Last week, Grade 11 started their Internal Assessments (IAs) in Science. Across Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, the students performed 10 hours of lab work to test their hypotheses. From coming up with an idea, getting topic approvals…
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Spirit Week – Student Voice

A few weeks back Grade 12 celebrated their last week of high school with a spirit week. Seeing how much this celebration brought them closer together, friends and I thought of opening this up to…
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Grade 8-11 Music Concert

Last week, the music students in Grades 8-11 delighted the audience with a wide variety of pieces, ranging from Bach to Billie Eilish. Having the opportunity to perform for a live audience, especially after two…
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