

High School Outdoor Program

The last trip of the Outdoor Program took place on Saturday, 24 June with a group of very excited High School students. We went Kayaking on the Wiesent river in the Fränkische Schweiz and it…
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Grade 12 Graduation

Class of 2017! Last Saturday the FIS celebrated its ninth successful graduation with forty-five students graduating from the FIS. This significant milestone could not have been achieved without the guidance and support of parents and…
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Grade 9 Spanish Trip

Two weeks ago, Grade 9 Spanish students travelled to Oviedo, Asturias. After twelve hours of travelling, the students arrived at the IES Dr. Fleming. They visited the “Museo Jurasico”, went to La Griega beach as…
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St. Andrew’s Model United Nations (SAIMUN)

Four High School students, Aaryan Agrawal, Matei Lomaca, Callum Gandy, and Eliot Walker, spent the first week of Spring Break 2017 attending the St. Andrew’s Model United Nations (SAIMUN) conference in Dublin, Ireland. Three of…
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Art Exhibition

On Sunday April 2, the Art Exhibition of our Grade 12 IB Visual Arts students opened with a well visited vernissage in the Kunstmuseum Erlangen. Officials of the city of Erlangen, the patron of the…
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Culture and Politics Club

Every year the Culture and Politics Club hold a competition where winners are awarded with an excursion to the conference of the Politische Club at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing. The Spring conference was attended by…
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