Every year the Culture and Politics Club hold a competition where winners are awarded with an excursion to the conference of the Politische Club at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing. The Spring conference was attended by Grade 12 student Irene Bird, Dr. Hoffmann and Grade 10 student, Leon Staufer. The topic revolved around crises in democratic parties. Each speech was followed by a thirty-minute discussion during which the audience could ask questions. On Saturday, Franz Müntefering, former Vice-Chancellor and former Chairman of the SPD held one of seven discussions. In the evening, a panel discussion between three journalists, Bannas, Bommarius, and Ulrich, from the FAZ, DuMont, and Zeit respectively, took place. This has been an extraordinary experience for the students, not only learning about political matters but also one another. We would like to thank Mr. Sheldon once again for funding this invaluable experience.
Leon Staufer
Grade 10 Student