Posts by Tanya Bindra


Easter Present for Senior Home

Our students from Early Years and Elementary School were asked to create pictures in order to give them to the elderly people at the Charleston Wohn- und Pflegezentrum Erlangen, a senior home next to the…
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Currently Reading @ the FIS

We asked the FIS staff to share which books they are reading these days and we received some amazing responses! There was something from every genre, old, new, fiction, memoirs, academic, history and more. With…
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Grade 5 IPC Unit Climate Control

Grade 5 has been studying all about climate change. We are investigating the impact of climate change not only on us humans but also on plants, animals and the resources that earth provides. We have…
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Grade 12 Virtual Arts Exhibition

The Grade 12 Visual Arts students had planned their final exhibition on March 22, just like every year. It supposed to take place in a professional gallery in Nürnberg. Given the current situation, the students…
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