The Grade 12 Visual Arts students had planned their final exhibition on March 22, just like every year. It supposed to take place in a professional gallery in Nürnberg.
Given the current situation, the students held their own private exhibitions in their homes. They presented their artistic achievements to me online before the IB submission process.
After endless exchanges and back and forth on WhatsApp, Outlook and ManageBac, I am happy to share that the first of the online submission tasks has been finalized. The photographs of the pieces setups have been collated.
I would like to invite you for this virtual exhibition. Unfortunately, what is presented here is just a glimpse of what could have been experienced, if we could have witness the planned arrangements and individual artwork in real life.
The work you see on the photographs was produced by this year’s student group: Alessandro Castiglioni, Mila Dormeier, Ellen Fabry, Lasse Hellmann, Karol Schlitt, Lauren Sellers, Justin Tsang and Dang Doan. Each student investigated an issue, concept or conflict important to him or her. The pieces are sometimes very personal and emotional, but they are all true with a student’s intention.
Slawa Wrzesniewska
HoD Art