We know that our days and learning look and feel different than usual. It is different for all of us. The Library Puppets are quite adaptable and wise, because they are surrounded by books all the time! They live in the library! So they wanted to share some advice with you about making remote learning more successful!
Create a Home Learning Space
To begin the school year we use thoughtfulness to create a learning space that works best for us in our classrooms. We reflect on their learning space and if it helps us learn to the best of our ability. At home, you should use this same thoughtfulness to create a learning space that is comfortable, organized with everything you need to learn with, and it is in a space where you are able to focus. Where is your home learning space?
Follow Regular Routines
Our routines have changed. To support ourselves in feeling ready to learn and making our home our new learning space, following regular routines will support this. Getting to bed at the usual times, getting up and getting ready is also helpful to make home learning successful. Charts and schedules help us follow a routine and support responsibility. How is your family following/establishing routines to make remote learning successful?
Take Breaks
Breaks are a regular part of our school routine. We have 3 breaks each day but we also take time to have water and relax during lessons if we feel strong feelings. Some of us like to be active for our breaks, others enjoy quiet time for their breaks. What do you and your family do to take a break and recharge?
We hope you enjoyed our chat and learned something about how to make your home learning more successful.
Melinda Piehler
Elementary School Librarian