Posts by Tanya Bindra

Perhaps it is more important now than ever before for students (and adults) to find opportunities to lead an active and healthy lifestyle.


PTO Events are Back!

Yes, everything is slightly different these days and yes, we can’t meet in big groups at school. So what? We won’t be defeated and the PTO has come up with some ideas on how we…
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Student Voice

Our Change to Veganism

Our generation has been very involved with climate change and taking action to reverse our actions. Many are deciding that they would wish to be vegan or vegetarian for ethical or climate reasons. However, the…
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GISST Season 2020-2021

With the reopening of the FIS for School Year 2020-2021, we will also be able to offer a variety of sporting activities within the GISST program. Following the governmental regulations, and in addition to the…
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Update on Field Trips

Due to the uncertainty as to how COVID-19 regulations will affect school trips in the next months, the Camp Adventure field trips (Grades 6 to 8) scheduled for September have been postponed to Spring 2021.…
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Raising Funds “for the Wild”

We would like to invite all students to take part in the “Work for the Wild” campaign. Initially planned as a fundraiser, we had been working with Wilderness International to get participants to run laps…
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GISST Updates

I know, at a time like this, it might seem strange to be addressing school sport but I would like to share current information related to GISST activities and events, hoping to be able to…
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Sign up to be a FIS Buddy Family!

The PTO Welcome Committee is looking for Buddy Families to welcome, acclimate and help new families joining the FIS school community. When a new family arrives at the FIS, it’s always of great help if…
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