GISST Season 2020-2021


With the reopening of the FIS for School Year 2020-2021, we will also be able to offer a variety of sporting activities within the GISST program. Following the governmental regulations, and in addition to the general FIS Safety and Hygiene Protocol, we put in place activity-specific measures to ensure as safe as possible training conditions for our athletes and coaches.

Due to restrictions, we will not be able to run the GISST program as it was in the past. Please see below for the latest update:

  • FIS will not be participating in any competitive events until January 31, 2021
  • The training season has been re-arranged to avoid mix of grade levels
  • No U14/Varsity groupings this semester
  • No separate boys and girls groupings this semester
  • Training in separate grade level groups (Grades 5 to 12)
  • Minimum and maximum number of participants for each group
  • Swimming canceled completely for School Year 2020-2021

The training sessions in Football and Grades 9 to 12 Volleyball have already begun. The Cross Country starts one week later (August 31), and Badminton and prep-seasons (Grades 5 to 8 Basketball and Volleyball) will have a later start mid of September.

Register NOW!

The online registration is currently open and will close on Tuesday, September 1, at 17:00. To register your child to participate in the FIS Sports Program (GISST), please go to the FIS Parent Portal and click on the “Booking Activities” icon. You can sign up your child for any sport offered to her/his grade level this Fall season.

Please note that for some sports (Badminton, Football, Grades 9 to 12 Volleyball, Cross Country), this is an official regular season and there are two training sessions per week offered. It is strongly recommended to attend both trainings, and you are kindly asked to register online for both days if possible.

At the same time, we offer some prep-season trainings that will take place only once a week.

You will receive an invoice at the end of the season for each sport category that you signed up for. Prices can be found on the Parent Portal.

GISST Registration Fee

The GISST registration fee remains the same this school year, i.e. EUR 100 total per sports category for a regular season (two trainings a week), and EUR 37.50 for all pre-season activities.

Further Information

If you would like any further information or if you have any questions about the GISST program, please get in touch by email at .

Mila Fischer
Athletics Director

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