Posts by matthias


Staff Appreciation Brunch

As the year comes to a close, we would like to say thank you to the staff with an international brunch. This is an annual tradition that the staff looks forward to, not only because…
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GISST Athletics Directors visited the FIS

This week, the FIS welcomed Athletic Directors from all GISST member schools for the final meeting of the school year. Led by the GISST Coordinator Mr. Ian Cook from the St. Georges School Duisburg/Düsseldorf, the…
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Math competitions in München and Amsterdam

The Mathematics Department has a busy month ahead, attending Math competitions in München and Amsterdam. ISMTF Amsterdam Six Middle School students will be representing the FIS at the International Schools Math Teachers Foundation (ISMTF) Middle School…
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Environmental Science Exploratory: Bees

What are we doing in our exploratory? This semester, our Environmental Science Exploratory class has been looking at how to further increase the biodiversity of the terraces. When winter came, we made bird feeders to…
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Middle School ESL Community Event

On Thursday, May 17, from 16:00 to 17:00, the Middle School ESL (English as a Second Language) Community Event will take place! All Middle School ESL students and their families are invited. This is a…
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Chicks hatching at the FIS

For three days, children from Early Years and Elementary School were able to watch baby chicks hatch live at the FIS. Classes came and visited a little incubator that held the eggs and were able…
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Lunch – students’ top choices

Since the beginning of this school year, the FIS has been taking part in the school lunch coaching project, offered by the Amt für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten. Committee members are from different school sections…
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CAS dog walk

Dog Guardians are hosting their annual Dog Walk this Sunday to raise funds for the local animal shelters in the Erlangen area. The CAS group annual walk will be followed with refreshments and snacks for…
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Lunch – Let’s keep it healthy!

The food and drinks served and sold in the Cafeteria and the Kiosk are non-sugary. However, we do observe that students who bring in their own lunch from home are often equipped with sweet treats…
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