

Makaton: The FIS Learns to Sign

Have you heard of Makaton? This is an international sign language used by both students and adults to develop language skills. The spoken word is used along with hand gestures and symbols, ensuring a multisensory…
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Battle of the Books

The MYP and Primary Libraries have been bustling with excited readers over the past couple of weeks. Why? Because Battle of the Books (BoB) 2022 for Grades 4 and 5 is underway! Over the next…
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Have you Ever Played with Marbles?

Early Years (EY) 5 students have been using marbles and building obstacle courses to see the rules of gravity in action. IPC (International Primary Curriculum) unit “Push and Pull” aims to educate our young learners…
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Primary School Winter Music Concert

If you missed the live stream of the Primary School Winter Music Concert last month, you can still catch it by following the link below. Students from Grades 1-4 partnered with various organizations within Erlangen,…
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Young Entrepreneurs in Grade 3

Over the past few weeks the students in Grade 3 have been learning about what it means to be young entrepreneurs. They have made many connections between the IPC Personal Learning Goals, such as being…
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Girls Coding Challenge

Every year, Technovation invites teams of girls around the world to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. This global organization has created an eight-week challenge to come up with…
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