

Grade 2 Trip to Industrial Museum

Yesterday, Grade 2 went on an exploration trip to the Industrial Museum in Nürnberg. The visit was in connection with their current IPC unit on Inventions and Inventors. They have been learning about the different…
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100 Days of School

Yesterday, Grade 1 celebrated their 100 days of being in school. The day was marked by fun activities around the theme, like counting out 100 pieces of cereal and making a necklace, writing 100 words,…
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Grade 2 IPC Unit: Inventions

The Grade 2 students introduced a provocation to spark curiosity for the start of their new IPC unit “Inventions.” A provocation is used to ignite and encourage student learning and better prepare them for the…
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Grade 1: Students Make Toys

Grade 1 IPC Unit “The Magic Toymaker” is an inquiry into how and why toys are made. The students created toys using recycled materials. The process began with outlining the design cycle, and working on developing and improving their designs.

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Grade 2: Thinking Skills

In the Primary School classroom, we try to understand why students learn the way they do. Appreciating the why and how of student learning is an important objective of the Grade 2 Thinking Skills. These…
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Primary Student Council Up and Running

On Tuesday the first FIS Primary Student Council meeting took place and will now continue on a weekly basis. But what is the FIS Primary Student Council? This is a formal group of students within…
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ELA: Grade 2 Writes a Story

In their recent ELA (English Language Arts) unit ‘Describing Characters’, Grade 2 students have been learning about narrative story writing. The unit encompasses looking at what makes a good story, and how individual characters add…
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Grade 5 Trip to Freilandmuseum

On Thursday, October 27, Grade 5 enjoyed a trip to Bad Windsheim’s Freilandmuseum. Their visit helped develop the students’ understanding of life in Germany in the past, while making connections with their current IPC unit…
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