Head of School

Head of School

Recruitment Season

Good schools need good teachers. However, the challenge is that teacher supply presents a significant challenge for the international sector. In a 2021 COBIS research project on Teacher Supply in British International Schools delivered in…
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Head of School

Happy New Year

A very warm welcome to the New Year, 2023. I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and a relaxing time with your family and friends. Whatever is lying ahead of you, may the…
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Head of School

Accreditation Visit

Next week the FIS will be hosting an eleven member Evaluation Team as part of our re-accreditation process. This is the first time the FIS will be doing a synchronized re-accreditation with the Council of…
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Head of School

Be Seen and Be Safe

It seems no time ago I was welcoming everyone to a new school year at the FIS; now the shortening hours of light do remind me that it is about time to write about safety…
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Head of School

IBDP May 2022 Results

Congratulations to all our IBDP students for completing their exams and all the best for the adventures that lie ahead! The average point score this year is 33, compared to a world average of 31.98.…
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Head of School

Happy Summer!

We have reached the end of another busy and successful year. We now all look forward to a well-deserved summer break. As ever, the school never really closes as the front office will be open…
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