

Performing Arts events in March

Remarkable achievements Congratulations to the Grade 10 IGCSE Drama students for their scripted coursework performances held on Monday and Tuesday afternoons of this week. The Drama students worked many long hours to prepare scenes from…
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Upcoming Performing Arts events

Grade 10 Drama IGCSE coursework presentations When:  Monday, February 5, from 16:00 to 17:30 Tuesday, February 6, from 17:30 Where:  Venue/s to be confirmed  On February 5 and 6, Grade 10 Drama IGCSE students will be…
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Drama performances and concerts

Busy, busy, busy… the months of November and December for the Performing Arts Department have been full of activity with several theatrical and musical performances. The Grade 10 Drama students kicked off the busy performance…
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Upcoming Performing Arts events

Grade 10 Drama “Broken” When: Monday, November 27, 18:30 Where: FIS Theater The Grade 10 Drama class will be performing their first piece of practical IGCSE coursework. This show, titled Broken, is made up of…
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Grade 10 Combined Arts Field Trip to London

The Grade 10 Combined Arts students had a fantastic time in London earlier this month. The Music students were treated to a variety of experiences ranging from the energy of STOMP, the history of Haydn and…
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A New Year and New Overtures

The FIS Performing Arts department extends a very warm welcome to everyone and we look forward to seeing lots of exciting performances throughout the coming year.

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