Posts by Tanya Bindra


Siemens Upcoming Online Events

In the next few weeks, Siemens is hosting some interesting online events on the topic of school and education, which you are invited to: Parents’ Evening in cooperation with SchuleWirtschaft Bayern on October 27, 2020…
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MYP German Mittlerer Schulabschluss

We are extremely pleased to announce that FIS has been accepted into the state of Bavaria’s (and therefore Germany’s) list of schools able to offer the German Mittleren Schulabschluss and Hochschulzugangsqualifikation. This is a fantastic…
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PTO Events are in Full Swing This Autumn

We get you dancing, we get you talking and we get you together! Check out the latest PTO events and opportunities to meet and have fun. Virtual PTO Coffee Morning (Zoom) Friday, October 23, 2020,…
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Trendy Teddies

For the past few weeks in the Fashion Exploratory, we had been diving deeper into hand stitches and developing planning and sewing skills. We did this by creating our very own stuffed animal. This was…
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Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

By popular demand, the PTO is bringing back the German-speaking meetups! A fantastic opportunity to practice conversing in German in a safe and informal way. Native German-speaking parents meet with those that would like to…
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Grades 11 and 12 Visit Indianer Schlucht

As part of the Diploma Programme, last week the Geography students actively engaged with outdoor learning to collect primary data from Indianer Schlucht, Uttenreuth. This is a core part of the Diploma Programme syllabus to…
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