Posts by matthias


Invitation to Art Exhibition 2019

Grade 12 Art students are proud to present their final art pieces produced during their Visual Arts course. The exhibition represents the students’ work over the last one and a half years in preparation for…
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Harry Potter Night 3

Saturday, March 30, 2019, 17:30 to 21:30 for Grades 3 to 8 The Bookbridge@the-fis team is pleased to inform you that the Harry Potter Night 3: Escape from Azkaban will be held on Saturday, March 30,…
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Time Flies with Owls

Grade 1H will be performing for the FIS community in the production Time Flies, which is part of a festival planned for June 29 that concludes our 20th anniversary celebrations. This week, Grade 1H had…
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Visit from Niall de Burca

The FIS Library Team are thrilled to announce that renowned Irish storyteller, Niall de Burca, will be returning to the FIS for three days in March. He first visited the FIS ten years ago and…
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Parent Information Afternoon

You are cordially invited to attend curriculum workshops related to the learning in Early Years and Elementary School. I will be leading three different sessions for you to learn more about the different practices and learning engagements…
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PTO Fasching Games 2019

We had all the classes in Early Years and Elementary School come to the Aula today to join in for some fun games to celebrate Fasching. Thank you to all the parent volunteers and help…
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