

Grade 12 IB Music Students

On Thursday, March 16, we had the pleasure of witnessing the Grade 12 music students showcase their talents in a small recital. As a part of their IB coursework, Ashton Bagwell, Irmak Lüle, and Paula…
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Visit London Universities

As part of higher education decision making, students need to show an understanding of the university application process, the variety of subjects available to study, and entry requirements, to name just a few key factors.…
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Visual Art Exhibition Grade 12, Vernissage

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (DP) Visual Art Exhibition is an annual event that showcases the creative talents of DP Visual Art students. The exhibition never fails to leave audiences in awe of the incredible…
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Recap: Theater Solo Performances

Theater solo performances are not only exciting but also incredibly challenging for the DP Theater HL students at the FIS. These talented students are required to research an influential theater theorist for their solo theater…
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EE and PP Celebration

This week, the Grade 12 celebrated their Extended Essay (EE) conclusion, which coincided with the Grade 10 Personal Project (PP) exhibition in the Aula and Cafeteria. While the EE students were visited by their parents…
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Careers Day

Thursday,  February 16, we engaged in our annual event, the FIS Careers Day. Grade 10 to 12 students had the opportunity to hear about everyday tasks in a range of professions. FIS Alumni from all…
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Grade 8-12 Ballet Visit

The Upper Secondary Music department offers opportunities for students to attend a variety of music concerts throughout the school year. The purpose of these visits is to expose students to the wide variety of music…
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