

Grade 3 Letter Writing

Handwritten letters are no longer common due to modern communication tools. Many children only receive them from their grandparents but have never written a letter themselves. Constance Straub, Primary Teacher for German, considers this skill…
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Primary Student Council

Election fever is in the Primary section! On Wednesday’s Grades 1-5 assembly and Friday’s Early Years assembly, students learned about what a council is. We looked at how the UN is a forum for international…
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Grade 4 Turn into Space Explorers

In their current ‘Space Explorers” IPC unit, Grade 4 have been learning how we can find out more about our solar system and the deeper mysteries of the universe. The unit opened with the Entry…
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Grade 2: Brainwave

In their recent ‘Brainwave’ IPC unit, Grade 2 has been learning about how we best learn. The students examine the key learning styles, necessary skills, and the various sources through which we absorb and understand…
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First Primary Assembly

The Primary teaching team spent some time in their Professional Learning meetings reflecting on assemblies in our school. This process enabled us to think carefully about the form, function, and content of our assemblies. One…
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Waste Separation: Grade 5 Leads by Example

Over the past few months, our fifth graders have been learning about climate control and global warming. Through their lesson inquiry, they recognized the problem of waste separation and decided to do something about it,…
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