Grade 1 Road Traffic Education by Local Police Officer


Grade 1 welcomed a visitor last week! A local police officer hosted a road traffic education session for the students.

This learning experience is organized every year to educate the children about basic road safety norms involving games, signs, various props, and insignia. Focus is placed on making the sessions interactive.

The police officer engaged the students with intriguing questions around road safety. For instance, what the colors of a traffic signal represent, and which direction the vehicles on each side of the road drive on. With illustrations and examples, he explained how to be a responsible pedestrian, basic rules, and proper behavior in traffic.

After a theory lesson, the officer took the students out on Marie-Curie-Straße to test their learning in a live environment. There were simulations around approaching vehicles at turnings and zebra crossings.

“Left, right, left”, says Varda, Grade 1 student, when asked about what she learned from the session. She refers to the practice of looking to the left and then right, followed by left, when crossing the road. “If the approaching car slows down, we can go, otherwise we should wait,” she adds.

Road safety training is essential especially at an early stage as young children take part in road traffic. By demonstrating the importance of traffic norms, children can gain a sense of autonomy and judgment while on the road.

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