

Developing Core Values Through Football

After the football play during break time had been suspended a while ago, there was a keen interest from all our G3-5 football representatives to develop their football agreements in order to resume the games.

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Big Cat Readers

The Collins Big Cat Home Reading Program got off to a great start, with many kids exploring different books from the selection at 8:20 and making their way to their homerooms by 8:25 in the knowledge they will get to read their chosen books at home.

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Big Cat Home Readers Launch

Today was a day to remember as our primary students embraced the Collins Big Cat Home Reading Program. It was a day filled with excitement and the promise of countless adventures within the pages of…
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Primary Student Council: Making Dreams Come True

At the FIS, the Primary School Student Council is working tirelessly to make the school a better place for everyone. Their mission is clear: to ensure the well-being and happiness of every student at FIS and to address any issues and ensure that every class has what they need to thrive.

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G1 Tiergarten Nürnberg

In an exciting end to their unit on sharing our planet, our G1 students embarked on an adventure to the Nürnberg Zoo this week. This field trip provided them with an opportunity to delve deeper into their understanding of animals and their habitats.

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