

The Gift of Reading

I have a mantra right now… control what you can control. At this time, the list of things in our control is not a long list. There is one thing that I can control within my…
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Easter Present for Senior Home

Our students from Early Years and Elementary School were asked to create pictures in order to give them to the elderly people at the Charleston Wohn- und Pflegezentrum Erlangen, a senior home next to the…
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Grade 5 IPC Unit Climate Control

Grade 5 has been studying all about climate change. We are investigating the impact of climate change not only on us humans but also on plants, animals and the resources that earth provides. We have…
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Caring for your Child’s Wellbeing

Adaptability and resilience are just two of the many strengths the FIS students have shown during this challenging time. Transitioning to remote learning may have brought some of its challenges, but through their strengths, and…
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Grade 2 Industriekultur Visit

Grade 2 has been learning about inventions and how they change over time. They have eagerly done research on an invention of their choice such as computers, video games, cars, cameras, etc. In February, they…
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Grade 5 Inquiry into Climate Change

In Grade 5, our new IPC unit of Inquiry is called “Climate Control – Global Warming and Sustainability”. During this unit, we will be inquiring into climate change and the role that we play in…
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