

Front Office Opening Hours

During the Fasching break, the front office will be open from 9:00 to 12:00. Emails sent to  will be processed as usual. Regular office hours (8:00 to 17:00) will resume on Monday, March 7. Karine Chaveriat…
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Fasching Picture Gallery

Fasching energy was at its peak in the FIS today! The corridors were bustling with dramatic costumes, as the scent of freshly baked Krapfen flooded out and filled the air. Fasching is the traditional German…
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Look Over the Fence Visit

The FIS is an active member of the Look Over the Fence work group – an alliance of 130 reform-oriented German schools – that shares a common vision for learning experience and development. Collaboratively, we…
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Eco School Committee Hosts First Meeting

Our Eco School Committee hosted its ‘Kick-off” meeting last week. Attended by members of the parent, student and staff community, the committee aims to implement the recommendations of Echo-Schools, a global sustainable schools program. Some…
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Authors at the FIS

We all know that the FIS is thriving with wonderful and aspiring writers. It is an integral part of our curriculum at all grade levels. But did you know that we have a number of…
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Halloween at the FIS

Today, on the last day of school before the Fall Break, we celebrated Halloween. Everybody enjoyed the fun and costumes! Thank you to the PTO all parents who supported with the delivery of pumpkins, party…
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