Posts by matthias


Outdoor Program excursion to Hirschbachtal

On Sunday, October 22, eight students from Grade 8 to 11 completed the Höhenglückssteig Via Ferrata Route in Hirschbachtal, part of the Hersbrucker Schweiz. A Via Ferrata (Klettersteig) is a method of traversing the side…
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Grade 3 welcomed Alexander von Humbolt

Last week, Grade 3 welcomed Alexander von Humbolt to the class. The IPC topic they are investigating at the moment is “Explorers and Adventurers”. Their focus is on gathering information from simple sources and they…
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CAS Christmas Market

Join us on Saturday, December 2, from 14:00 until 17:00 for a series of student led initiatives to promote CAS experiences and service learning. In 2017, we are focusing on students planning and initiating projects as…
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Usborne Book Fair at the FIS

On Tuesday, November 7, Usborne Books will be holding another Book Fair at the FIS during the Middle School Parent Teacher Conferences. This will take place in the Aula. Usborne is a UK publisher specializing…
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PTO coat collection

St. Martin is a celebration of sharing and caring. This year in a joint effort with CAS students, the PTO will collect children coats, sizes 86 (16 months) – 110 (five years) for the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund…
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FIS Career Week 2017

With over 70 various sessions scheduled, the week of October, 23 to 27 aims to inspire and support our Middle and High School students as they navigate their way towards decisions about the future. The…
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