Grade 7 Trip: Reflections from Spitzingsee


The Grade 7 students got poured on while sleeping out under the stars at the Obere Maxlraineralm (Spitzingsee), two weeks ago.

That is probably something you have already heard. It’s true.

We were awoken at about 23:30 by a deluge of rain which sent us quickly scurrying into the shelter of the nearby mountain hut. We dragged all of our belongings into the building and set about finding a place to settle back in for the night. It was cramped, it was unexpected, we were all tired and the point which I would really like to make is that our fabulous group of Grade 7 students, the FIS teachers and the Camp Adventure staff managed to pull it off.

Hopefully, you have heard, and will continue to hear, many other stories from staff or students who were on the week-long trip as the stories do deserve some retelling. Days were long and full. The food was tasty and abundant and, most importantly, the students had the time and space to test themselves, their expectations and to learn to rely on and look out for each other.

In that mountain hut, this meant identifying a misplaced item or shuffling over to make a little bit more space; back at school, this may mean showing patience when a peer is speaking or helping someone identify something they can improve on. Having been there to witness the shuffling and the identifying, I know that the students will also be looking out for each other in and out of the classroom back at the FIS and that makes me proud to be a Grade 7 teacher!

Crystal Humphrey
EAL Teacher

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