The PTO Helps You Relax in February

Here is a very special treat from a FIS parent! Enjoy this 10 minute ‘Yoga for Kids’ video with the gorgeous Jamie (Grade 3) and Darcy (Grade 5) and their mum Betty. It’s a great…
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PTO Virtual Wine Tasting

On Friday, October 16, a group of parents and staff came together for our very first ‘Virtual Wine Tasting’. Björn and Lotte from ‘Passion & Wine’ guided us through three delicious wines and shared their…
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PTO Events are in Full Swing This Autumn

We get you dancing, we get you talking and we get you together! Check out the latest PTO events and opportunities to meet and have fun. Virtual PTO Coffee Morning (Zoom) Friday, October 23, 2020,…
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Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

By popular demand, the PTO is bringing back the German-speaking meetups! A fantastic opportunity to practice conversing in German in a safe and informal way. Native German-speaking parents meet with those that would like to…
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Walking Tour Update!

The sun was shining and the mood was bright on Wednesday morning, when eight of us set off to explore the neighborhood of the FIS and Erlangen’s many shops, restaurants and sights. The annual Erlangen…
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Let’s Get Together Again!

Now that the kids have settled into the new school routine, play their sports and enjoy their after school activities, we think it is time that parents, staff and teachers also get together again. Here are some ideas on how to stay in touch and have some fun!

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PTO Events are Back!

Yes, everything is slightly different these days and yes, we can’t meet in big groups at school. So what? We won’t be defeated and the PTO has come up with some ideas on how we…
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