

Update from the Eco-School Committee

Since our last update, the Eco-School Committee continued to work in sub-groups on different topics, such as: Energy saving Incentivizing transportation alternatives Reducing meat consumption Carbon footprint awareness Waste separation Reduce and Reuse For the…
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Fostering Empathy in Children

When we purposefully open up opportunities for children to engage in empathic responses, we are supporting them in developing a critical component of relationship development–the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In…
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Community Days – Wrap Up

From May 23 to 25, everyone at the FIS came together, for the first time in two years, to create, collaborate, and connect during the Community Days: a first-of-its-kind initiative at our school. “The objective…
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FIS Hoodies for Ukrainian Students

The group ‘FIS Connections team’ is a student initiative that looks to promote connection across the school through various events and actions. Nicole Bondi in Grade 11 was one of the students that came up…
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Der Berg ruft!

Erlangen is world-famous! Siemens may have its headquarters here, but the Bergkirchweih attracts more than a million visitors every year! Since 1755, this popular folk festival has been held during Whitsun and heralds the “5th…
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