Posts by Petra Malessa


Grade 12 IB Theatre: Black’s Manor

Over the last week, the school has seen the Aula transform into Black’s Manor (from the game Cluedo). On Wednesday evening, March 8, a selected audience was invited to try to figure out who had…
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FIS Career Day 2017

Grade 8-12 students spent the morning attending sessions on offer from over 20 guest speakers, beginning with moving a Keynote Address by Carsten Rübsaamen, CEO and Co-Founder of Bookbridge, on the topic of “The Power…
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Siemens School Partnership Info Days

Here you can find information on offers for university courses and Math Day, all sponsored by Siemens Partnership School. Day of Mathematics March 11, 2017 Info Day about Engineering University Programs February 16, 2017
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Grade 2 and Grade 9 Panto

A huge congratulations to all the Grade 2’s and Grade 9’s who took part in the Panto on December 14, 2016. They put on a fantastic show, and they raised 797 Euros, for a school…
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St. Martin Walk organized by PTO

On Thursday, November 10, 2016 the PTO organized the traditional St. Martin Walk for EY and ES students. After the school day the story of St. Martin was told in the Aula. Martinswecken (traditional bread…
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HS Music Showcase

HS Music Showcase

Our High School musicians put together a wonderful concert last Friday. The audience enjoyed solo items from our three IBDP Music students – Jossy Russell (piano), Sara Biedermann (piano) and Tanner Himmelright (guitar/voice).

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FIS Forum 2016

FIS Forum with Matthias Sammer

4th FIS Forum The event was organized as a “give back” to sponsors and friends of the school. It is always well received and the guests enjoyed the high quality of the speakers and moderators…
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