“What if the world came together for a whole day of play”? The EY and ES children had the opportunity to do just that on Wednesday, 1 February as part of the Global School Day of Play. Schools from all over the world took part in this opportunity to promote the importance of regular, unstructured play for the best development of children. Instead of being told what to do or how to play, it was up to the children to come up with their own ideas. On this day, students were invited to bring in toys and games from home to share with their friends. There was only one catch…the toys and games could not use batteries or rely on electricity.
The purpose was to get away from staring at screens and instead interacting with their peers in unstructured, imaginative play. Children used clay, dressed up, acted out stories with cuddly toys, taught each other how to play new games, and used skills like cooperation, communication, morality, and resilience in their play. More information about the Global School Day of Play and the importance of imaginative play for children can be found at http://www.globalschoolplayday.com/.
Beth Lindblad, Grade 1 Teacher