PTO St. Martin’s Day Celebrations!


Please join us in celebrating St. Martin’s Day on Monday, November 11, 2019! The event will take place directly after school and will be great for parents, children, teachers and staff to enjoy together.

If you can, please volunteer some of your time for the event by signing up on this Wejoinin sheet.

Event Schedule:

15:35 School day ends. Please pick up your child as usual. Remember that from this point forward, parents and caregivers are responsible for their children. Now would be a great time to drop off their school bags in the car! The children who have made lanterns at school will bring them to the pickup. For all others joining in, don’t forget to bring your own lanterns!

15:35-16:30 Snacks and drinks will be available on sale. CAS students will also have some homemade lanterns available for purchase. Proceeds from the lantern sales will go towards the CAS group initiatives.

16:30-17:30 We will gather together as a group and start our walk around the neighborhood. Along our walk, we will stop at the Seniorenheim (Senior Home) to sing for the residents there. Please support your children by joining them in singing! Links to the songs the children are learning can be found below. After singing, we will walk back to the school together. Let’s see if St. Martin and his horse will be at the event as well!


We hope that many families will be able to join in the St. Martin’s Day event! See you there!


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