Last week, we celebrated the 10th birthday of BookBridge, an organization that the FIS has been proud to support since its inception. In addition to students and staff from various sections of the school, we were very pleased that Dr. Rübsaamen, Mr. Abdullah Rasheed, Sokhan and Ruth from BookBridge, Mr. Guntermann, Dr. Rogers and Dr. Schraner from the FIS Board, and Mrs. Casey and Mrs. Hehl from the PTO were able to join us.
The BookBridge@the-fis team presented a video of the very first book collection campaign showing how two FIS students and FIS Teacher, Mrs. Obermanns, helped set up the second learning center in Mongolia in 2010. In another video, ten students from Arvaikheer, Mongolia, talked about how they had each benefitted from being part of BookBridge over the last ten years. Past and present members of BookBridge@the-fis explained why they joined BookBridge and what it means to them.
The team was very excited to announce that fundraising will continue over the next few months as we are planning another student exchange in Spring 2020 with the students from Arvaikheer. Watch out for further information about Bounce for BookBridge, Roald Dahl Night, and a Ceilidh!
We concluded by singing “Happy Birthday” as Dr. Rübsaamen and FIS Deputy Director, Ms. Niemczyk cut the magnificent birthday cake baked by our faculty, Mrs. Elliott.
Thank you to everyone who came to the celebration and for supporting BookBridge!
The BookBridge@the-fis team