Navigating technology during Middle School break and lunch


Over the course of the last few weeks, technology and the the appropriate use of iPads have been a point of conversation and rich discussion in our Middle School Advisory Sessions. Following these discussions, teachers and students have proposed trialling limits for the use of iPads during our Middle School morning and lunch breaks. Guidelines have been drafted and shared with students this week in order for students to take ownership and understanding over the consideration of iPads use during our break periods. As a result of these clearly stated guidelines, students will be encouraged to spend more time in active, social-engagement with the peers. Please find these reflective guidelines below:

  1. Students will be expected to be iPad free Monday – Friday during the Middle School morning break (10:35 – 10:55)
  2. Students may only use their iPads between 13:10 – 13:35 (after finishing their lunch) on Mondays and Wednesdays and will be iPad free on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday lunch times.
  3. Students may only use their iPads after eating in two areas supervised by teachers.

In late June, students and teachers will review the success of this trial and suggest ways to continue to improve the guidelines for school year 2018/2019, further ensuring that Middle School students are enjoying a balanced school day.

Nicholas Kolentse
MS Dean of Students

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