In November, our G2 students embarked on their Unit of Inquiry titled “Materials.” This immersive unit delves into various aspects, introducing students to topics such as the availability of materials, their environmental impact, strategies for reusing materials, and the critical examination of how our choices shape the environment.
Kicking off the unit with a hands-on and practical activity, students engaged in the sorting of waste, a real-world exercise that deepened their understanding of different materials. Last week, they visited the Recyclinghof Erlangen, where garbage and recyclable materials are disposed of properly.
Luke observed: “The garbage truck has two parts. One part where they open the cab, the big part. They take the trash can into one part. Once it’s empty, then the trash goes into the second part.”
And Lucas added: “There is stuff from which they can make new things, they put that in buckets for the different materials, like metal, glass, wood.”
As the unit progresses, parents can anticipate a delightful surprise awaiting them at its conclusion. Stay connected with your children to discover the valuable insights and knowledge they’re gaining throughout this engaging educational journey.