Figure drawing for High School students


In this 6 to 8 week course, offered by Mr. Fuijkschot, you will have the opportunity to build up your figure drawing folio pieces under the supervision of a professional illustrator and experienced tutor. Learn the principles of figure drawing, including gesture and the basic form and structure of the human body in order to establish a more solid and finished figure drawing.

Start date End of January or Early February (tbc)
Suggested time frame 6 to 8 weeks
Time Tuesday’s from 15:45 to 17:15 (in Ms. Slawa’s art room, 2.071)
Cost (includes model and tutor fee)
  • 3 students: €20 per week (6 weeks €120, 8 weeks €160),
  • 5+ students: €12 per week (6 weeks €72, 8 weeks €96)

Fee may reduce if larger group

Grade level 9, 10, 11 and 12
Max. students 15


If you are interested, please email or contact me in the front office.

Karine Chaveriat
After School Activity Coordinator

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