In the realm of literature, authors often find inspiration in unexpected places, and their creative process can take them on extraordinary journeys. Such is the case for Kerstin Trimble, a writer and friend of the FIS, who recently completed her novel set in her beloved hometown of Nürnberg.
Long before Kerstin put pen to paper, her two main characters, Klara and Jacob, existed only within the confines of her mind. Kerstin, a proud and patriotic Nuernberger, was immersed in her city’s rich history from a young age, admiring the great artist Albrecht Dürer through posters adorning her bedroom walls. When envisioning her characters, she changed her initial ideas in favor of connecting them to the Nürnberg of the 16th century, merging her love for her hometown with her creative storytelling.
Kerstin embarked on extensive historical research to ensure the authenticity of her setting. The writings of Hans Sachs, an influential figure of the time, also served as inspiration. The fictional narrative was woven into the tapestry of true events at that time. Kerstin takes the readers on a captivating journey through the streets of 16th century Nürnberg, into a world of con artists and a bygone era filled with intrigue and excitement, paying homage to its vibrant history.
Creating a work of historical fiction is no small feat, and Kerstin dedicated three years to the completion of her novel. At times, she delved deep into historical research, painstakingly unearthing details about Nürnberg’s past. Other moments found her seeking inspiration in the tranquility of the woods, where the muse would strike her, compelling her to rush home and put her thoughts into words.
Kerstin’s novel stands as a testament to her passion for her hometown, a place that has shaped her identity and fueled her creativity. You can pick up her book in any good bookstore, for example at Buchhandlung Wierny. More information is available on this website. It’s currently available in German only, the English edition will be offered soon.
Here is the blurb from Kerstin’s book:
Dürer’s Apprentice
Famed artist Albrecht Dürer has little patience for teenage apprentices, but he makes an exception for young Adrian because he is touched by his extraordinary talent and mysterious nature. There’s just one catch… Dürer’s exceptional apprentice is not a boy, but Klara, a runaway painter’s daughter who escaped an arranged marriage. Her companion is Jakob, a charming seventeen-year-old with a knack for trickery. Soon, they are not only duping Dürer and his household, but running cons all over Imperial Nürnberg, scamming gullible fools, greedy merchants and other crooks. Yet Klara is haunted by her conscience. Is she going to hell for this? Now that she knows what it’s like to live as a man, can she ever be a submissive wife? Dürer’s unstable younger brother discovers their secret and blackmails them into using their talents for his own devious ends. As they find themselves facing ever more powerful adversaries, their stunts grow more dangerous – While Dürer has no idea that his stellar reputation is in grave danger.