

Mila Dormeier, FIS Alumna

“One of my fondest memories of FIS was the personal relationships I developed with some teachers like  Ms Hughes and Mr Kennedy. They were particularly dedicated to their students and took the time to come…
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Anay Sudeep, Grade 2 Student

“I really like the German podcast “WAS IST WAS?” It was there that I started to learn about stars, planets and space travel. Did you know that  planets orbit stars, and that sometimes, a planet…
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Bettina Wiegel, FIS PR & Events

“Photos and family stories go together perfectly. For me, they find their ideal place in a “biographical photo book”. I love photo books – and everyone who receives one as a gift is happy about…
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Anaïs Klause, Grade 12 Student

“I remember receiving a ukulele as a present on my 14th birthday, and it was when I started learning to play it that I began to sing. Two years later, I progressed to a guitar…
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Priyankha Kamalakannan, Grade 7

“In Grade 1 I started working on a small writing project which ended up as a laminated sample in the school library. In Grade 2 I printed my next writing project and shared it with…
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Olaf Stefansson, FIS Parent

“I’ve been a sports player since I was five years old, but I really took a liking to handball at 16. By 19 years, I was playing for the national team in Iceland, and in…
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