

Return to School after an Illness

Dear FIS community, We understand how unsettling and confusing recent developments regarding the Safety and Hygiene Protocol have been. Thank you to everyone for trying their best and keeping up with the never-ending changes provided…
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Ban on Clear Masks

After a long consideration regarding the ban of transparent masks, finally the results from a pilot study concerning their efficacy were released, supporting and confirming our doubts. Namely, scientists from Munich University of Applied Sciences have…
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Lunch Wunschbox Results!

The Cafeteria team opened its menu to suggestions from students and staff, earlier this month. We received some very interesting recommendations for what meals the ideal “wunschbox” should consist of. Some students also got creative…
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Format to Replace Parent-Teacher Conferences

As mentioned in the welcome letters sent by Patricia Appel, Elementary School Principal, and Sibylle Harth, Head of Secondary, to all parents at the beginning of this school year, the traditional full-day Parent-Teacher Conferences (PTC)…
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On Friday, November 20 at 14:30, the FIS will host its first ever TEDx YOUTH Event. Students from Grades 5 to 8 will be participating and sharing ideas they feel are worth spreading. Due to…
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