“Photos and family stories go together perfectly. For me, they find their ideal place in a “biographical photo book”. I love photo books – and everyone who receives one as a gift is happy about it. The creative possibilities of the photo book programs make it possible to produce beautiful individual pieces.
For my mother’s 75th birthday, I packed old family photos, documents and letters into such a biographical photo book. They trace the path that includes both world wars and the expulsion of her family from the Sudetenland, as well as the new beginning and family foundation in Bavaria. Of course, this book is now a valuable treasure, which is also gladly passed on within the family.
Now, when I create such a photo book for others, one proverb is especially true: “The joy you give always comes back to you.” The reactions are a great motivation for me to invest my spare time into such a project because the moment is rewarding when the other person opens the book: The surprise on their face, their hands lovingly stroking the pages, their smile when a photo is recognized, even the tears they shed when a long-forgotten memory comes up.
A large part of this work relates to the biography. That is why I hold a certificate as a biography worker. Tracing one’s own family history needs support. I am trained to focus on resources, and can thus give negative memories a new perspective. I especially love the personal conversation. My inclination towards psychology, my empathy and my joy of writing and photo books come together here in a unique way.”