On February 7 the FIS held its annual Kuratorium meeting. Usually, the Kuratorium meets for breakfast at school, however, since it was more convenient for many participants, we decided to do a virtual conference instead. For those of you who haven‘t heard about it before: the Kuratorium consists of around 30 members who are mostly regional politicians (as e.g. the mayors of Erlangen, Fürth, Herzogenaurach and Nürnberg and university representatives. Some of them have been supporting the school right from the start and contributing significantly to its success story.
Dr. Thomas Lask, our new chairman of the Kuratorium, welcomed about 20 members before handing over to our Head of School, Dr. Liam Browne, to talk about recent developments and challenges at the school.
After that the participants became more interactive breaking into several groups to do a brief workshop. The idea behind this workshop was to get some input from the Kuratorium which may feed into the development of the school´s new strategic plan. Therefore we went through a PESTEL analysis which is a framework used to evaluate business environments, in our case the school environment, from different perspectives: Political, economical, social, technological, environmental and legal aspects were considered as to how they may influence the future of the FIS. Resulting in some food for thought, the findings will now be evaluated in one of the next FIS Board meetings. Without anticipating the Board´s discussion I am convinced that some of the useful results will find their way into the school´s preparation of the new strategic plan. We will keep you posted!
Although only virtually we are looking back to a lively meeting and hope to meet some of the members at school very soon! Thank you to all the participants and to everybody involved in the preparation!
Verena Schraner
FIS Board Member