Hour of Code


Next week, the Grade 6 and 7 Design and Marketing Class are hosting another “Hour of Code” event during students’ breaks. “Hour of Code” is an introduction to computer science designed to look behind the secret of programming and learn the basics. It is kid-friendly and can help your child earn good marks in school and an amazing job in the future. You can choose to join your children or try one yourself by doing the “Hour of Code” at home by completing activities at code.org! There are more than 20 activities for your child which makes it more fun!

We live in a world surrounded by technology. We know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works. That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The “Hour of Code”, during Computer Science Education Week (December 4 to 8). More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an “Hour of Code”.

In addition to code.org, here are some of the apps we use for programming at school which you might like to download and try at home:

More information on the “Hour of Code” can be found in the PDF below.

Grade 6 and 7 Design and Marketing Class

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