Grade 1 Flight to the US


Last Friday, Grade 1 concluded their inquiry “Journeys” by taking a journey to a destination that they themselves chose and voted on. After researching various locations and presenting holiday brochures that students created, the classes voted on which one they wanted to visit. Some of the reasons they chose the United States of America were “because they have the best jelly beans in the world there!”, “because we can go to Disney World!”, and “because we can take a boat and go see the REAL Statue of Liberty!”.

The students created passports and packing lists and did some research on the USA before heading off. They couldn’t wait to see the Empire State Building in New York, visit the Whitehouse, Smithsonian and Mint in Washington, take a ride in Disney World and enjoy some sunshine at Miami Beach, Florida!

The central idea for this unit was “Journeys create change.” The students inquired into changes in time, money, weather, food, buildings and environment. They had so much fun taking this “pretend” trip that some of them are now begging their parents to take them to the “real” USA!

The trip couldn’t have been made possible without the incredible community support! Thank you to all of the Grade 1 parents and faculty for making this trip one to remember!

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Carlos Rico, Spanish, EAL, Global Perspectives and TOK Coordinator