GISST: Upcoming Tournaments


GISST Varsity Volleyball

This weekend, our Varsity Girls Volleyball team will play in Dresden, trying to defend their champion title from the last year. One week later, the Varsity Boys Volleyball tournament is taking place in Duisburg. We wish both teams and their coaches good luck!

Swimming Friendly at BIS, November 23

On Saturday, November 23, 2019, the FIS Swimming team (Interschool, U14, and Varsity) will travel to Munich to compete. They will leave at 6:30 and should be back by 17:30. All swimmers and parents have already been informed. The coaching team and two more chaperones will accompany them.

City Championships Results

We have recently kickstarted in the Basketball season with the “Jugend trainiert für Olympia” competition (city and regional championships) taking place for both U14 and Junior Varsity age groups. Last Tuesday, our Junior Varsity Boys Basketball team played their final match at the city level and finished in 2nd place overall. Congratulations to the boys and their coach, Mr. Dubbe!

Mila Fischer
Athletics Director

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