

Makaton: The FIS Learns to Sign

Have you heard of Makaton? This is an international sign language used by both students and adults to develop language skills. The spoken word is used along with hand gestures and symbols, ensuring a multisensory…
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Shakespeare Work in the MYP

Grade 7 Language and Literature is reading King of Shadows – a play in which a student in modern times travels back in time to Shakespeare’s Globe Theater. Introducing English students to the language of Shakespeare, this…
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Grade 10 and 12 IB Mock Exams

Please join us in wishing our students good luck for their IB mock exams. Grade 12 mocks are underway, and Grade 10 students will write their exams from January 24. These mock exams are a…
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Girls Coding Challenge

Every year, Technovation invites teams of girls around the world to learn and apply the skills needed to solve real-world problems through technology. This global organization has created an eight-week challenge to come up with…
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