CAS News


CAS 2017/2018 is building upon the excellent work from previous years. On behalf of all the High School students, thanks to Mr. Rico for ensuring the diversity and sustainability of CAS experiences in the High School and FIS Community.

There are already many new groups starting to establish themselves and fresh opportunities within existing CAS groups. The successes and challenges will be shared throughout the year on the CAS facebook page or alternatively on Twitter @experienceCAS. Several CAS groups are looking for members from Grades 9 and 10.  Below is a short list with the email of the group coordinator:

Students should contact these coordinators to engage with the group’s aims, objectives and projects for this academic year. Grade 9 students will formally start documenting their CAS progress from 19 September, so these groups are an excellent introduction onto the CAS program.

Similar to last year there is one CAS group whose primary focus is to support Elementary and Middle School students with their mathematical skills on a Monday afternoon from 15:45 to 16:35. There are spaces for any Elementary or Middle School student who wishes to have more practice in Mathematics. Parents should contact the group leader, Sven-Eric, by email in order to enroll – .

I look forward to sharing the experiences that our students have throughout the academic year and meeting more parents at the PTO Welcome Back BBQ on Saturday, 9 September.

If you have any questions about CAS, please feel free to contact me by email ().

Scott Simpson
CAS Coordinator

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