
Kick-off meeting PTO International FIS Fair

Join us in the Conference Room, from 8:30 to 10:00. We’d love to hear from you – as a country group, as an individual looking for a country to “adopt” or representing your country as a group of students/parents/teachers. Everyone is welcome!

Kind Regards,
The Parent Teacher Organization

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HS Outdoor Program: Introductory mountain biking

Do you enjoy fresh air, exercise and spending time with friends outdoors? Interested in building fitness while learning a new sport and acquiring new skills? If so, then please join us on the upcoming Outdoor Program trip: Mountain biking in the Tennenloher Forst. No experience is necessary. All you need is a sense of adventure, a bike helmet and a bicycle which can be ridden on a trail (a technical mountain bike isn’t required).

Students will meet in front of the school at 10:00 on Saturday, March 3 and return to the school by 14:00. All students in Grades 8 to 12 are welcome to attend. There is no charge for this event. Permission slips are available from Ms. Jasper and me and should be returned before Friday, March 1. We hope to see many of you there!

Natasha Schorb
High School Science Teacher

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Rothsee Triathlon

Do you want to participate in a team triathlon? It’s that time of year again to start thinking about Rothsee 2018! It will take place on Sunday, June 17, 2018.

In 2013, the FIS had one relay team and three teams in the three following years. In 2017, the FIS had an incredible turnout and were represented by ten teams, made up of FIS staff, family members and parents of students. This year, we hope to encourage even more members of the FIS community to take part in this amazing event!

The distances for the race are:

1.5 km swim
42 km bike
10 km run
For everyone who is interested or if anyone has questions, feel free to contact me at or Roman Binner at

Deadline for registration: Thursday, February 22, 2018
Cost: 37 € per person

Julie Ann Chiodo
Grade 3 Teacher

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Grade 10 Drama

On February 5 and 6, Grade 10 Drama IGCSE students will be performing their scripted coursework to family and friends. Students have worked in groups to prepare scenes from the plays Gilbert is Dead, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead and Mother Teresa is Dead.

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